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Saving Thousands by Using Interiors on Demand

Did you know that hiring an interior designer typically starts at about $175 an hour and can go upwards to over $500 an hour?

According to The Spruce, "For a single room, prices usually start around $2,000, but can reach into five-figure sums." That's after you finally look at a ton of design sites, decide who you want to work with, and see if they'll even take your job... then you can get a quote from a designer. We know from working in the design profession that some design firms actually charge about $100,000 for an entire home design.

Most designers will not give you a flat fee.

Don't waste money
Most designers wont give you a flat fee

Doesn't that make you cringe just a little? You need a LOT of trust for a setup like that. Don't you feel more comfortable when you hire a tradesman per job instead of per hour? You never know what will show up as a problem and tack on way more hours than you thought. At least he's in your home. Most designers are probably totally focused, but how do you know for sure? We wouldn't want to pay someone to check her instagram, figure out what's for dinner, or chat it up with coworkers while she's on the clock. I mean at $200 an hour that's $3.33 per minute...that's the equivalent of a latte for yourself for every minute he or she isn't working on your job.

That's why we created Interiors on Demand

Interiors on demand offers up front pricing and is there with you every step of the way. Our collaborative setup allows you to end up with a design YOU like, not what someone thinks you should like. No worries about redesigns, because there aren't any. Fair, honest, and transparent - that's Interiors on Demand.

For just $29.00 a month get one on one design help!

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